Ágústa Sigrún ÁgústsdóttirMar 16, 20211 min readCatapult - Assisted takeoffAn aircraft catapult is a device used to allow aircraft to take off from a very limited amount of space. It is a form of assisted takeoff.
Ágústa Sigrún ÁgústsdóttirMar 11, 20212 min readAre you a Lifelong Learner?The nature of work and careers is changing fast. For flight crew members this is a valuable fact to know and to apply in the job search....
Ágústa Sigrún ÁgústsdóttirMar 4, 20211 min readPilots and Cabin Crew, this is your Coach speaking!As your Coach, I invite you for a refresher course in the form of a webinar of valuable information on how to transition your career.
Ágústa Sigrún ÁgústsdóttirFeb 21, 20212 min readPortfolio CareersSide hustling may leed to an actual new career, a portfolio career. A portfolio career can be a mix of full or part-time employment etc.
Ágústa Sigrún ÁgústsdóttirFeb 21, 20212 min readSilent reviewIn aviation, we have something called "silent review."