Why do we chose to stay stuck when we don't have to?
This is kind of a mindset enigma and the ways to liberate yourself are endless ...and none.
To avoid this mindset trap it helps to apply polyphonic actions.
One of those actions is to get help. Reach out and bring in a new perspective. To help you to:
overcome the obstacles and adapt to a new reality
see new options on the horizon
expand your mind and change your mindset
take bite-size steps to start turning the wheel
take on a #smallenge towards your goal
orchestrate your next career takeoff
This is exactly what I hope to provide you with today on the 12 of May 2021 in YOUR CAREER TAKEOFF webinar which starts at 19:00 GMT / 2000 UK / 12100 Central European Time. The webinar is FREE of charge and intended for Flight Crew Personnel.
What you will learn
Why making a decision now about your next move is crucial for your career.
How to liberate you from the place between the rock and a hard place and start working on your plan B, as we speak.
The 5 things to keep in mind to enjoy your job search more and brush off the rejections.
Which skills are currently sought after and play huge a role in the future job market.
Plus, a lot of fun, inspiration, and motivational spirit with Ágústa Sigrún